Lead Magnet Tech Kit

Learn how to confidently build your own high-converting lead magnet on Kajabi.

Yep. I need this!

⭐️LIMITED TIME BONUS: Personal Review by a Kajabi Expert!⭐️

When you purchase the Lead Magnet Tech Kit today, you'll receive an exclusive bonus... a personalized review from me!  

Leverage my expertise as a Kajabi expert who has built hundreds of highly effective lead magnets. I'll provide tailored feedback via video to ensure your lead magnet is not only built correctly but attracts and captivates your potential students!

Yes, I want Expert Feedback!

Take a look behind-the-scenes!


You've heard that you need to create a lead magnet to build your email list and grow your online business, but you're not sure where to begin. HELP! 😩


They add their name and email, but then what?

  How do you automate it?

How do they get the actual lead magnet?


It can feel overwhelming before you even start!

The Lead Magnet Tech Kit is the answer to your tech prayers 🙌

This series of how-to videos taught by a Kajabi Expert will show you exactly how to build your lead magnet on Kajabi.

You'll see each step of the process, learn how to connect all the pieces, and use templates and idea generators to fast-track your progress

This is an essential tool for anyone who wants to share their free resources and build their email list.

These videos are designed for Kajabi users who aren't afraid to do the work themselves but don't want to waste time doing it!


How-to Build Your Lead Magnet 


➡️ Create an opt-in page

➡️ Set up tagging and automations

➡️ Design a thank you page

➡️ Send a custom email to deliver your lead magnet 

➡️ How and where to share your lead magnet 

PLUS, I'll Show you How To:


✨ Send Weekly Emails

✨ Make a Waitlist Page

✨ Upload Contacts

✨ Ensure you have the Proper Settings



Lead Magnet Tech Kit



I'm Ready!

Since 2019, I've been deeply involved in helping creators like you grow their email lists. As a certified Digital Course Academy (DCA) Trainer under Amy Porterfield and a recognized Kajabi Expert, I've built hundreds of lead magnets that not only attract but also effectively convert.

Starting your course creation journey can be daunting. You need a robust email list of potential buyers but often, the crucial step of building an effective lead magnet is overlooked.  This is where I step in.

Why My Approach is Different:

My tech kits go beyond basic training offered by software companies. I don’t just show you how to build the components of a lead magnet—I teach you the best practices for crafting them, how these elements interconnect, and crucially, what steps to take after your lead magnet is live.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your skills on Kajabi, these video guides are designed to elevate your list building strategy to the next level.

Are you ready to build an email list full of raving fans? Let's get started.

Chelsie – Your Course Launch Strategist + Kajabi Expert

Let's Do It!